keeping it O.G


Been thinking about starting a new blog for art, design, and professional purposes. Then again that would be boring. The old 15 year old me in this blog is probably crying or drawing. When you look at it, I’ve written some good and some embarrassing things. I’m no poet, I’m no author, I’m a person. Which makes my blog even better I think. So, In honor of my old lovestruck and immature self.


My emo posts stay.

There’s a movement going on about being proud Filipinos. I’m leaning towards that movement. Why? Here’s why.

I’m not hating on the essence of Filipino Pride in general, but we’re being proud for all the wrong reasons. Being proud of your nationality is showing how better we are than other countries, other cultures. Filipino pride is when we show pride in our government, in our ability to not ask for help during calamities, showing how our camaraderie is all we need.

A nation’s pride can’t be harnessed by a single person’s achievement alone. Manny Pacquiao will get better and richer, he trains and works hard for it; while you will stay the same, same desk job, same routine, same commute. Charice Pempengco will get better and even more famous, but she didn’t get famous because she was Filipino, she got lucky that someone like Oprah Winfrey acknowledged her talents. Filipinos who excel abroad could care less, they don’t know how it is to live here, they don’t know the struggles average Filipinos have, sure they have Filipino blood in their veins but other than that, there’s nothing else.

I believe the greatest step to Filipino Pride was our parent’s ability to rise up against a person they considered a tyrant. A peaceful revolution. Good and bad points.

Good: we came together as a country, we all synced and believed a common goal.

Bad: nothing good came afterwards, we were in debt, the poor became poorer, the rich became richer.

I want to proud of a country that can go against any odds. Like Japan, they were able to rebuild after World War II and they progressed better than the west. Even when they were struck by that terrible earthquake and tsunami in March, they were able to rise up. They didn’t ask for help, they did it as a country.

Us on the other hand were running after trucks, acting selfishly, not as a country but as individuals. Considering that our disaster was not as severe as theirs. We didn’t help because we loved our countrymen, we did it because it was “in” it was “cool”, otherwise; disaster or not, we’ll be helping each other.

I want to be proud of a country that can deliver progress. Take Singapore for instance, they used to be as bad as us, in the bottom of the 3rd world pool. In a matter of decades, with endless progress turned into a high class country.

The trick is to keep the “great minds” in the country, performing, advancing. Our country is so messed up that the “Filipino Dream” is to get out of the Philippines. Our economy is fueled primarily with OFWs sending money over. Our “great minds” would rather work for a different country than their own.  Progress for the Philippines is nothing more than a pipe dream. Such a shame too, we produce so many gifted individuals.

I wan’t to be proud of a country that fights corruption and longs for equality. Just because you’re rich and your family’s rich doesn’t mean that you and your brothers can run for office. Just because your mom was an ex-president you still don’t have the right to win the election. Rich stay in power, while potential leaders are left to rot. This is the endless spiral of Philippine politics, no wonder the poor stay poor face it, these so-called officials have no idea how it is to live in the ghetto. How can you fight corruption when even enforcers are corrupt as well? Straight road my ass.

In the end, individual achievements do not count as national pride. I don’t care if you wear a Team Manila Rizal shirt, that’s just insulting his memory. National pride, is accepting that we are or can be superior to any other country. We don’t have to leave the country for a better life, we can get through any kind of ordeal, because we are Filipino.

However, that is not the case. We still have much to learn, as a culture, society, and a country. My name is Reian, and I’m not proud to be a Filipino.

Easter Sunday is upon us. For some people it’s a day for Church and whatnot. I remember a Breakfast Buffet and some egg hunting. Gotta love those plastic eggs filled with candy and whatnot. It’s like a Halloween but looking all prim and proper.

But seriously, I’m too lazy to go scavenging on old photo albums looking for a young me, hunting colored eggs with “RF” on the side. You gotta love those days though, not as that Hallmark Holiday that’s labeled but the family loving day.  May it be painting eggs, looking for eggs, waiting in line at the Family Restaurant, Easter is the BOMB!

So, to make this a short post.


From this


to this

epic? or out of place?

when bored


haven’t made any digital art for a while so cheers!

We offer the freshness and awesomness you require

buy our shirts

design #001 hideandseek

another remnant of my awesome drunken hide and seek days.

Alcohol, is what I call my friend. It’s like the glue that binds us popsicle sticks together during arts and crafts.  But alcohol is what fuels everything that is fun and right with the world. Makes complete sense? No!? I’m here to fix all that.

[anytime] [alcohol] guide to [anywhere]

5. Alcohol is that one thing each of you have in common, seriously

Sometimes, a group of people are totally polar opposites. One dude might like Duke while the other dude hates Duke. Dude 1 likes playing WoW while dude 2 plays CoD. Why would I hangout with those guys!? One solution to that is…you guessed it! ALCOHOL! Don’t know the guys in your group well enough!? ALCOHOL! You’ll be best friends in a matter of minutes!

Why bother trying to have the same interests when you all have the universal ice breaker!

4. A daily dose of Alcohol improves your tolerance

Healthy people work out everyday to build stamina, muscle, lose weight etc. Drunk guys do the same with alcohol. Acoholic lightweights are useless during parties but if they start drinking on a regular basis, the transform from a pathetic wuss into a knight of the gods fighting for justice and football.

To support my theory, I’m going to use a very credible source. In fact this game has won a Parent’s Guide Choice Award because it was so good. I’m going to quote Harvest Moon 64’s strategy guide from IGN:

Head to the town square for a rip-roarin’ alcohol throwdown. Literally everyone you talk to gives you a nip of something, so make sure your alcohol tolerance is up to snuff. To practice for the festival, make sure you get the bottle from the Harvest Festival and visit the winery often. Otherwise, the liquor at the inn should do nicely. If your alcohol tolerance is no good, you’ll end up passing out and having to be carried home. If not, you will be seen as a total drinking god.

3. For Health

Insomniac? Can’t sleep? Forget all those drugs over the top or not. ALCOHOL has the same effect! Alcohol has a sedating effect in it. Just don’t drink it right before sleeping though. (I dunno the article was tl;dr).

I had a grandfather that lowered his heart rate and heart disease risk with 1-3 glasses of whiskey a day, he was mega healthy until an cancer hit him so, it’s really good for the heart. Here’s a good read.

2. Inner Peace

Doctors heal the body while Bartenders heal the soul.

Face it we are all sometimes batshit crazy inside and comes to show you that even when you look healthy on the outside your spirit is pretty restless underneath. Sometimes we’re all so stuck up inside that the only way we can get all those clogged up pieces of emotion out is when we start drinking alcohol. Whether it’s getting fired from work, a break up or just curing anxiety, a soothing drink can calm the restless soul. Alcohol works all his wonders.

1. Celebrate life

Everyone wants to live life to the fullest. So it’s time to celebrate life! Celebrate the victory of being alive for the day! Make sure you enjoy everything piece by piece. Celebrate the good times, the achievements, friends and family! We all just need to break away from it all bit by bit. Think of it as the gold star at the end of a horrendous hell week.

With that trail of thought I end this post with

beer shiz


Ok, I’ve been trying to build some designs to use for a bunch of stuff. Apparently none of them stuck too much. I made this when I was unemployed and creative. I saw a similar pic online made my own variation, like some asian twist.

Haven’t been designing at all lately, my laptop’s being a bitch, my tablet broke and my brain has been fried. Gonna fire up my passion again somehow.

I’ve roughly been active as nomad19 on my version of YouTube, Spiked Humor but I do partake in my weekly indulgence of “lulz” and awesome gifs. On a hazy Monday morning I visited my realm of greatness only to find a heartbreaking note from InsayneJayne:

Hey Humorists

So I got this visitor message on my profile on our forums from TigerRenko. In case you guys didn’t know, he was brought in from Crave and is a fellow Admin to this site. (You may remember him as that guy who uploaded tons of video game trailers.)

He was meant to be the ‘middle man’ of sorts – someone who communicated our needs to CraveOnline. Someone who would update us on the goings-on with Spiked’s future. TigerRenko did what he could and I thank him for sticking around for as long as he did . I’ve realize that not only have we Humorists gotten the run around from CraveOnline, but so has he. Hence why he hasn’t been able to that ideal ‘middle man’ so I have no hard feelings towards him.

Well here is that visitor message he left for me to read:


Dear Jayne,

I got mail from top brass, they are going to shoot SH down, close it for good. It was very nice working with you guys, but the fat lady sang…

They will let me know the details, but I’m afraid that it’s final…

kind regards TR

My heart is legit sinking at the moment. There’s a frog in my throat. My hands are shaking a little (but maybe thats because I’m feeling cold…)

Perhaps it’s awfully melodramatic of me to speak like this but I’ve spent 4 years here. Many of you have been loyal members longer than I have. A few of you have been banned like twice and still came back. Bless your hearts.

I became an Admin a year after I registered here thanks to DaVyWaVyBaBy. I STILL HAVE THE PRIVATE MESSAGE IN WHICH HE ASKS ME IF I’M INTERESTED IN BECOMING AN ADMIN FFS. I mean how fucking sad am I? Honestly.

Ramble ramble, chatter chatter, weep weep, etc.

Like that poetic message says, no details have been brought to TigerRenko’s attention. So that means none of us Admin have any idea WHEN Spiked will be shut down.

I hope CraveOnline gives us a fucking DATE or TIME as to when they pull the plug on

I believe we deserve to know without going to our bookmarks/homepages one morning and finding a SITE INVALID page staring us in the face.

I believe we deserve that much. I mean, look at us. We’ve all believed in this ~*run down piece of shit website~*

So right now- hopefully – it’s not REALLY goodbye.

I sincerely love you guys. Even the assholes. Even the despicably asinine and ignorant bastards. Even the members who aren’t Batman fans.


I encourage my fellow Admins to each make a newsblog of their own- so they can personally express their ~*feelings*~ regarding their experiences as Admin, their disappointments in humanity thanks to a few members here and their over all take on this situation.

…cuz gosh knows I’ve talked enough.

So seriously:


Please don’t hold anything back. Make it tl;dr, post images, call out members, admit that I’m a cruel dictator – anything!!!

Spiked Humor is shutting down :(.

You people might think that, “It’s just a site!”, “It’s a run down YouTube wannabe!” But you are all wrong!


Spiked made me the person I am to day, made me aware of the awesomeness of the internet, Introduced me to George Carlin, Louis C.K. 4chan, ScrewAttack, The Angry Video Game Nerd and a whole lot more. It saddens me since these last few years this site has grown on me.

I was able to watch videos in the Cisco Lab of our school because of it, I was able to play Hobo Wars and eventually infect my college buddies with it. No matter how crappy it might have looked and maintained it had a rich community of posters. Some posted hilarious comments, some raged political views, but we all valued one thing; entertainment.

This post is dedicated to you SpikedHumor. Although I haven’t leveled up in a while (mainly is because I forget to log in.) I was saving my points to enter and win the PS3 draw FYI! It was a fun and bumpy ride but, judgement day would eventually come and break us all apart. Thank You!

– From a Loyal Humorist.

Running for office is a big responsibility. We need leaders who care for the community. Leaders that have a strong presence and a good heart. We need captains, chairpersons and kagawads in our barangays that can make a difference, people who fight against poverty, people who fight for the community. We keep saying we want “CHANGE!”, we want our lives to improve, we want to get out of the funk we are living in and be a better Philippines.

Last time I checked, a lot of people don’t want change.

I’m not bitter or anything, I’m down. I see people who need medical attention, people who lack the money to buy 3 meals a day, yet these are the same people who vote for incumbents. These people bitch and whine about not having the rights they need yet, they let people buy their votes, block voting. I’m sorry, you people are stupid. You exchanged long term jobs, education and health care for a measly 200-400 php!? You choose to live in the same cesspool year after year after year, now it’s your choice, your time to make a difference and you choose to vote because of money. The thing is with vote buyers is that they gave you want you want in the beginning, this won’t stop them from swindling you during the majority of their term….YOUR LOSS ASSHOLES.

In my opinion I feel that the barangay is the most corrupt community cluster ever. Sure there are good people in office too but as far as I know, this is in 3/10 barangays.

People take a piss on democracy and put their greed in front. Buying votes? That’s ridiculous.

This is the end of my rant. Go flame me as you please