us against the world brethren


I think I’ve stumbled onto some real artistic talent, I believe this is the family I’ve been looking for all my life. 

I’ve always been a big dreamer my entire life, I’ve always wanted to make something big and make something incredible. I don’t think I’ve been surrounding myself with people who are legitimately motivated. Artistically speaking, I like working on certain projects just for fun, and my peers growing up didn’t do that. So, I was actually fueling myself doing stuff alone. It wasn’t bad at all, in a way I thought it’s because they had their own thing but sure enough I’ve come to realize how different I was, how I almost wasted my talents.

I’m not hating on my friends, I love them to death. There just comes a time where you outgrow them. I like to consider myself as a creative, my work requires me to make something awesome looking out of lines of code. This is a passion, a passion that burns my heart and soul. You see, I always had this energy but had to let it out alone, my very close friends are guys with nursing degrees, an aviation mechanic, political science and marketing majors. I took the technology route, but ultimately landed in the creative field, I followed my passion.

Different people, different outlooks but we bonded so well. You can’t hate them.

I’m probably disappointed that I was running with the wrong crowd, that’s why I clicked with my College buddies, we can relate on an intellectual and geeky level. This group is really smart but I was a creative going to school for a technical degree. The only time I shined and was extremely motivated was when I was designing a UI. These guys have the passion and drive I was looking for, not the area.

These peer groups made me who I am, I love them for that. I love my highschool brothers and my college family. I’ve moved since then and it’s been almost 2 years since I last saw any of them.

I moved on one decision, a cousin I look up to growing up visited and gave me the most motivational talk of my life. I decided to step out of my comfort zone, pursue my dreams and move to California. That meant leaving all my friends and family and starting fresh.

I did find a group that would make me feel at home. This was the peers I was looking for all along. We had song writers, photographers, artists, video directors, we have everything! They even have me for web design. The difference between my friends I left in the Philippines is that every time we get together we always do something, we always come up with something not just talking about the past and drinking, no! We plan ahead talking about the future and how we’re gonna get it. I want that kind of ambition, I like surrounding myself in that talent and gusto. That way I’m motivated but I’m never alone.

When you think about it, you’re only as good as the people you hang out with. I admire 3 of my brothers from highschool, they’re still pursuing what they want in Nursing, one has a cool job in Avionics, the rest just gave up and settled. Call center and computer shops, kids but they’re happy. It’s not a bad thing, we all have our paths they took nursing because it was the popular program back then. I took IT because I was good at it. It’s funny how things turn out…I’ve always wondered if I wasted those years and if I could’ve done even better if I was running with different people.

My only disappointment is that when I first met my bestfriends we said someday we would rule the world together. I’m still hustling and grinding to achieve that but not with my bestfriends.

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